AgriFin Chat For Impact Accelerator in partnership with Mercy Corps AgriFin underway’s first sector specific Chat For Impact Accelerator in partnership with Mercy Corps AgriFin is underway this week with ten social impact organisations working within the agriculture sector.’s Chat For Impact Accelerator programme aims to support the uptake and effectiveness of using chat for impact within the global social impact community.
The five day virtual programme will enable participating social impact organisations to gain a comprehensive understanding about the use of secure chat platforms, including how to design, launch and implement chat solutions to connect with, support and guide their end-users using technology.
Participating organisations in the Mercy Corps AgriFin Chat for Impact Accelerator underway this week include iShamba (Farmer information services), Pula (agriculture insurance to protect smallholder farmers worldwide), Ignitia (tropical weather forecasting), Farm Drive (alternative credit scoring for smallholder farmers), KALRO or Kenyan Agricultural & Livestock Research Organisation - demand driven research for food security and income generation) Kenyan Livestock Producers Association (strengthening agriculture systems and value chain growth for Kenyan farmers), One Acre Fund (supply smallholder farmers with the financing and training to grow their way out of hunger and poverty). DigiFarm (an integrated mobile platform for farmers) Agriculture Transformation Agency (government agency created to help accelerate the growth and transformation of Ethiopia’s agriculture sector), Arifu (a digital personal learning and skills development tool on mobile for hard to reach audiences), HelloTractor (Technology for smarter, better maintained and more profitable tractors) and Acre Africa (A licensed insurance intermediary that provides risk management solutions to reduce agricultural and climate risks).
“We are looking forward to hosting a dedicated Accelerator together with MercyCorps AgriFin for such an incredible group of organisations. The programme will give each organisation a full understanding of our technology and we’ll be walking each of them through the process so that they can have an immediate, scalable benefit” says Neelke Stadler, head of Data and Learning at “A big thank you to our partners at Mercy Corps AgriFin and their continued support within the AgriFin portfolio.
“Through the AgriFin Accelerator we are de-risking the critical early technology adoption period for our social enterprise partners, allowing them to build customised solutions that match the real-world challenges we are trying to address, and the social impact we wish to generate. Now spanning solutions from emergency relief to smallholder farmer resilience building, the Accelerator is poised to grow to new geographies, partners and use cases over the course of this year. We are excited about our partnership with, and the growth of the Accelerator!” Leesa Shrader, Program Director at Mercy Corps AgriFin